Technology can not only be understood as concrete objects, such as machinery, equipment, tools, etc.
Technology is a science, the science to create a tool, tooling, machinery, or form otherforms of concrete.
Technology has 4 main components, are :
1. Knowledge
That set of ideas how to do things
2. Purpose
That is why making "something"was used
3. Its activities must be patterned and organized
That is to set an order of the creator of the technology group
4. Environmental advocates
Namely for these activities run effectively
In its simplest form, especially on hunting and gathering society and traditional society, the creation of more technology driven by the demands to meet daily needs. Humansneed food they create and develop the spears and arrows as a means of hunting. In the current era, principles of technology as a tool (extension) humans continues. This principle can be found on pliers, screwdriver and a bicycle, although it feels moresophisticated than in the past. In principle, the form or usefulness, modern teknnologigrowing very rapidly. That's because the technology is practical principles - principles ofmodern science. For example, the incandescent light bulb and the telephone is a practical application of electrical theory.
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